As a landscape architect, I was always sketching this or that, and since my retirement this skill has translated over into my modeling more than ever. Although I have a model railroad under construction I also have ideas swirling around in my head for different track plan ideas to fit different spaces and scales. I have used many different tools to express these ideas, from hand sketching on paper, to CADD produced technical drawings, to 3D (Sketchup) computer designs. I am now also using a train simulation program call “Trainz Simulator” to prepare realistic renderings of model railroad routes in multiple scales. This program allows for the building of an entire world, plus the ability to actually run and operate the trains in a realistic manner. The following images are a random collection of my brainstorming various design themes and routes. In the “Links” section you will also find direct connections to YouTube videos of some of my layout designs. Double Click on any picture below for larger images.